We are a team of portfolio managers at Kovitz. We write The Prudent Speculator newsletter and manage a series of stock strategies, all of which are firmly planted in the Value category. By “Value”, we mean we like stocks that trade well below our estimates of their future worth.
Our newsletter is published in the first few days of each month. It includes a market commentary, Graphic Detail (a section highlighting market dynamics we find interesting), our current buy list and a Portfolio Builder section with ten highlighted stocks.
In addition to the newsletter, we publish a weekly Market Commentary, which arrives in your inbox every Monday morning. It’s a longer read, and includes broad investment commentary, stock market insights, historical data and updates for a selection of stocks we currently hold (earnings updates, outlook changes and so forth).
We also frequently publish on our Blog and write periodic Special Reports that take deep dives into important themes (dividends, value, inflation, et cetera).
The newsletter, commentaries and other communications form the base with which we communicate to our subscribers and wealth management clients. Our goal is to keep our clients on the path to financial success (we often quip the secret to investing in stocks is to not get scared out of them!), and we do that in ways that are unique to each individual client.
If our interest in stocks and investments sounds like it’s up your alley too, we’d love to welcome you into the fold. You can find subscription information here or get in contact with us through email (info@theprudentspeculator.com) and phone (800-258-7786).